Image acquisition process

The configuration and image acquisition process of the depth camera are shown in the following figure:


Image acquisition flowchart

Below, we will use the SDK sample program Simpleview_FetchFrame as an example to explain the process of image acquisition.

Initialize API

TYInitLib initializes device objects and other data structures.

Open device

  1. Get device list

    Use selectDevice() to query the number of connected devices and get a list of all connected devices.

  2. Open interface

    TYOpenInterface opens interface.

  3. Open device

    • TYOpenDevice opens the camera with the camera ID.

    • TYOpenDeviceWithIP opens the network camera with the camera IP.

Configure component

  1. Check the component status of the device

    • TYGetComponentIDs gets information about the components supported by the device.

    • TYGetEnabledComponents gets information about the components that have been opened.

  2. Configure component

    • TYEnableComponents enables components.

    • TYDisableComponents disables components.

    After the device is opened, by default, only the virtual component TY_COMPONENT_DEVICE is enabled. Multiple components can be enabled simultaneously using the | operation.

    TYEnableComponents(hDevice, componentIDs);
  3. Configure features

    • Query information of specified features:

      TYGetFeatureInfo() can get information about a specified feature of a specified component by filling the TY_FEATURE_INFO structure. If the specified component does not contain the specified feature, the isValid value in TY_FEATURE_INFO is false; if the component contains the specified feature, the isValid value in TY_FEATURE_INFO is true.

      Alternatively, you can use specific API interfaces such as TYGetIntRange to query information about the specific feature.

    • The functions for reading and writing features are as follows:


      Sample program

      Call TYSetEnum() to set the format and resolution of the depth image sensor output data:

      LOGD("=== Configure feature, set resolution to 640x480.");

Framebuffer management


Before starting framebuffer management, make sure that the required components have been enabled using the TYEnableComponents() interface and that the image format and resolution have been set correctly using the TYSetEnum() interface. Because the size of the framebuffer depends on these settings, otherwise you may encounter problems with insufficient framebuffer space.

  1. Call the TYGetFrameBufferSize() to query the size of each framebuffer under the current configuration.

    uint32_t frameSize;
    ASSERT_OK( TYGetFrameBufferSize(hDevice, &frameSize) );
    LOGD("     - Get size of framebuffer, %d", frameSize);
  2. Allocate buffer for depth data.

    Allocate two sets of frameBuffer space according to the actual size of the framebuffer returned by the query function, and pass them to the underlying driver buffer queue as channels for data acquisition.

    The driver maintains an internal buffer queue (frameBuffer Queue). When each frame of data is transmitted, the filled frameBuffer is dequeued and fully transmitted for user use. After the user completes processing this frame of image data, an enqueue action must be performed to return the frameBuffer to the driver’s buffer queue. The user needs to ensure that the driver’s buffer queue is not full when a new frame of data arrives, otherwise the frame of data will be discarded.

    LOGD("     - Allocate & enqueue buffers");
    char* frameBuffer[2];
    frameBuffer[0] = new char[frameSize];
    frameBuffer[1] = new char[frameSize];
    LOGD("     - Enqueue buffer (%p, %d)", frameBuffer[0], frameSize);
    ASSERT_OK( TYEnqueueBuffer(hDevice, frameBuffer[0], frameSize) );
    LOGD("     - Enqueue buffer (%p, %d)", frameBuffer[1], frameSize);
    ASSERT_OK( TYEnqueueBuffer(hDevice, frameBuffer[1], frameSize) );

Callback function registration


The callback function for register event. The callback function registered by TYRegisterEventCallback is called when an exception event occurs. The callback function in the following example contains reconnected exception handling operations.

static bool offline = false;
void eventCallback(TY_EVENT_INFO *event_info, void *userdata)
   if (event_info->eventId == TY_EVENT_DEVICE_OFFLINE) {
       LOGD("=== Event Callback: Device Offline!");
       // Note:
       // Please set TY_BOOL_KEEP_ALIVE_ONOFF feature to false if you need to debug with breakpoint!
       offline = true;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  LOGD("Register event callback");
  ASSERT_OK(TYRegisterEventCallback(hDevice, eventCallback, NULL))
  while(!exit && !offline) {
      //Fetch and process frame data
  if (offline) {
     //Release resources
     // Can try re-open and start device to capture image
     // or just close interface exit
  return 0;

Set work mode

Set the work mode of the depth camera according to actual needs. For more details, please refer to work mode settings.

Start capture


If the depth camera is working in mode 1, you can use the software trigger interface function TYSendSoftTrigger() to send commands via USB or Ethernet interface to control the timing of image acquisition.

Fetch frame


In active depth data acquisition mode, the application can call this interface to retrieve depth data. After retrieving the data, the application should use an independent thread for processing to avoid blocking the image acquisition thread.

Stop capture

TYStopCapture stops image acquisition, and at the same time the camera stops calculating and outputting images.

Close device

TYCloseDevice closes the camera and TYCloseInterface frees up the occupied interfaces.

De-initialize API

After TYDeinitLib de-initializes the API, it is necessary to free up the allocated memory resources to avoid memory leaks.