API Descriptions (C#)
List all cameras connected to the computer. An example is as follows:
DeviceInfoVector dev_list= cl.ListDevice();
Open a camera with a specified serial number (SN). An example is as follows:
System.IntPtr handle =cl.Open("207000145055");
// 207000145055 is the camera serial number (SN).
Open a camera with a specified IP address. An example is as follows:
System.IntPtr handle =cl.OpenDeviceByIP("");
// is the camera IP address.
Close the camera. An example is as follows:
Enable the data streams. The following provides an example of enabling both the color and depth data streams:
List the supported resolutions and image formats for a specified data stream. The following provides an example using the color data stream:
EnumEntryVector color_fmt_list = cl.DeviceStreamFormatDump(handle, PERCIPIO_STREAM_COLOR);
Configure the resolution of a specified data stream. This API can be used in conjunction with DeviceStreamFormatDump. An example is as follows:
EnumEntryVector color_fmt_list = cl.DeviceStreamFormatDump(handle, PERCIPIO_STREAM_COLOR);
cl.DeviceStreamFormatConfig(handle, PERCIPIO_STREAM_COLOR, color_fmt_list[0]);
// 0 represents the first resolution in the configuration list.
Get the resolution of the current data stream. The following provides an example using the color data stream:
TY_ENUM_ENTRY color_enum_desc = new TY_ENUM_ENTRY();
cl.DeviceReadCurrentEnumData(handle, PERCIPIO_STREAM_COLOR, color_enum_desc);
Console.WriteLine($"current color image mode{cl.Width(color_enum_desc)} x {cl.Height(color_enum_desc)}-{color_enum_desc.getDesc()}");
Get the calibration parameters of a specified data stream. The following provides an example using the color data stream:
PercipioCalibData color_calib_data = cl.DeviceReadCalibData(handle, PERCIPIO_STREAM_COLOR);
int color_calib_width = color_calib_data.Width();
int color_calib_height = color_calib_data.Height();
CalibDataVector color_calib_intr = color_calib_data.Intrinsic();
CalibDataVector color_calib_extr = color_calib_data.Extrinsic();
CalibDataVector color_calib_dis = color_calib_data.Distortion();
Start camera data streaming. An example is as follows:
Stop camera data streaming. An example is as follows:
Read the data transmitted from the camera. An example is as follows:
FrameVector frames = cl.DeviceStreamRead(handle, 5000);
Parse and render the depth image. An example is as follows:
image_data depth = new image_data();
cl.DeviceStreamDepthRender(frames[i], depth);
IntPtr pt = depth.buffer.getCPtr();
Bitmap bmp_depth = new Bitmap(depth.width, depth.height, depth.width * 3, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, pt);
pictureBox1.Image = (Image)(new Bitmap(bmp_depth, new Size(640, 480))).Clone();
Parse the color image. An example is as follows:
image_data bgr = new image_data();
cl.DeviceStreamImageDecode(frames[i], bgr);
IntPtr pt = bgr.buffer.getCPtr();
Bitmap bmp_color = new Bitmap(bgr.width, bgr.height, bgr.width * 3, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, pt);
pictureBox2.Image = (Image)(new Bitmap(bmp_color, new Size(640, 480))).Clone();
Parse IR images. An example is as follows:
image_data rightIR = new image_data();
cl.DeviceStreamIRRender(frames[i], rightIR);
IntPtr pt = rightIR.buffer.getCPtr();
Bitmap rightIR_BMP = new Bitmap(rightIR.width, rightIR.height, 3*rightIR.width, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, pt);
pictureBox2.Image = (Image)(new Bitmap(rightIR_BMP, new Size(640, 480))).Clone();
Enable or disable the TY_BOOL_LASER_AUTO_CTRL feature. It is used to activate the laser when analyzing IR speckle patterns. An example is as follows:
cl.DeviceControlLaserPowerAutoControlEnable(handle, false);
Adjust the laser power. An example is as follows:
cl.DeviceControlLaserPowerConfig(handle, 80);
Enable or disable software ISP function. An example is as follows:
cl.DeviceColorStreamIspEnable(handle, true);
Map the depth image to the color image coordinates. An example is as follows. For more details, you can refer to fetch_registration.cs
Map the color image to the depth image coordinates. An example is as follows:
cl.DeviceStreamMapRGBImageToDepthCoordinate(depth_calib,depth,scale_unit,color_calib, undsitortion_color,registration_color);
Perform undistortion for the color image. An example is as follows. For more details, you can refer to fetch_registration.cs
cl.DeviceStreamDoUndistortion(color_calib.data(), color, undsitortion_color);
Set the camera work mode. 0 represents TY_TRIGGER_MODE_OFF, and 1 represents TY_TRIGGER_MODE_SLAVE. An example is as follows:
cl.DeviceControlTriggerModeEnable(handle, 1);
Send a software trigger command to the camera. An example is as follows:
Convert the depth image to point cloud data. An example is as follows. For more details, you can refer to fetch_point3d.cs
cl.DeviceStreamMapDepthImageToPoint3D(image, depth_calib_data, f_depth_scale, p3d_list);
DevParamFromInt is used to define an Int type variable for setting features of the Int type. An example is as follows:
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromInt(4096);
DevParamFromEnum is used to define an Enum type variable for setting features of the Enum type. An example is as follows:
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromEnum(TY_DEPTH_QUALITY_BASIC);
DevParamFromBool is used to define a Bool type variable for setting features of the Bool type. An example is as follows:
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromBool(true);
DevParamFromFloat is used to define a Float type variable for setting features of the Float type. An example is as follows:
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromFloat(1);
DeviceSetParameter is used to set camera parameters. The supported data types include Int, Enum, Bool, Float, and ByteArray.
DeviceGetParameter is used to get camera parameters. The supported data types include Int, Enum, Bool, Float, and ByteArray.
Examples of DeviceSetParameter and DeviceGetParameter are provided below:
Int type
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromInt(1088); cl.DeviceSetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM, TY_INT_EXPOSURE_TIME, param); DevParam read_param = cl.DeviceGetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM, TY_INT_EXPOSURE_TIME); int m_read_param = read_param.toInt(); Console.WriteLine($"current value {m_read_param}"); int min = read_param.mMin(); int max = read_param.mMax(); int inc = read_param.mInc(); Console.WriteLine($"min: {min},max: {max},inc: {inc}");
Enum type
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromEnum(TY_TIME_SYNC_TYPE_HOST); cl.DeviceSetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_DEVICE, TY_ENUM_TIME_SYNC_TYPE, param); DevParam read_param = cl.DeviceGetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_DEVICE, TY_ENUM_TIME_SYNC_TYPE); uint m_read_param = read_param.toEnum(); Console.WriteLine($"current value {m_read_param}"); EnumEntryVector m_read_param2 = read_param.eList(); for (int i = 0; i < m_read_param2.Count(); i++){ Console.WriteLine($"{ m_read_param2[i].value}"); }
Bool type
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromBool(false); cl.DeviceSetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM, TY_BOOL_AUTO_EXPOSURE, param); DevParam status = cl.DeviceGetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM, TY_BOOL_AUTO_EXPOSURE); bool m_status = status.toBool(); Console.WriteLine($"current value {m_status}");
Float type
DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromFloat(0.0125f); cl.DeviceSetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM, TY_FLOAT_SCALE_UNIT, param); DevParam read_param = cl.DeviceGetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_DEPTH_CAM, TY_FLOAT_SCALE_UNIT); float m_read_param = read_param.toFloat(); Console.WriteLine($"current value {m_read_param}"); float min = read_param.fMin(); float max = read_param.fMax(); float inc = read_param.fInc(); Console.WriteLine($"min: {min},max: {max},inc: {inc}");
ByteArray type
ByteArrayVector array = new ByteArrayVector { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0 }; DevParam arr = cl.DevParamFromByteArray(array); cl.DeviceSetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_IR_CAM_LEFT, TY_BYTEARRAY_HDR_PARAMETER,arr); DevParam hdr_arry = cl.DeviceGetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_IR_CAM_LEFT, TY_BYTEARRAY_HDR_PARAMETER); ByteArrayVector hdr_arry_1 = hdr_arry.toByteArray(); for (int i = 0; i < hdr_arry_1.Count(); i++) { Console.Write($",{hdr_arry_1[i]}"); }
Struct (roi) type
PercipioAecROI roi = new PercipioAecROI(0, 0, 640, 480); DevParam param = cl.DevParamFromPercipioAecROI(roi); cl.DeviceSetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM, TY_STRUCT_AEC_ROI, param); DevParam readParam = cl.DeviceGetParameter(handle, TY_COMPONENT_RGB_CAM, TY_STRUCT_AEC_ROI); ArrayVector mReadParam = readParam.toArray(); Console.WriteLine("aec roi: " + string.Join(",", mReadParam));
Obtain the device information of an active network depth camera, such as IP, MAC, Netmask, and Gateway. An example of obtaining the IP address is provided below:
handle = cl.Open(dev_list[select].id);
Console.WriteLine("ip {0}", dev_list[select].get_netinfo().ip());
Write the parameters saved in a local JSON file to the camera’s custom_block.bin storage area. An example is as follows:
string filePath = @"C:\Users\G\Desktop\1.json";
cl.DeviceWriteDefaultParametersFromJSFile(handle, filePath);
Load camera parameter configurations from the custom_block.bin storage area if available. An example is as follows:
int err = cl.DeviceLoadDefaultParameters(handle);
if (err != TY_STATUS_OK)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Load default parameters fail: {0}!", err));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Load default parameters successful!"));
The supported parameter types include Int, Float, Enum, Bool, and ByteArray.
Clear camera parameter configurations stored in the custom_block.bin storage area. An example is as follows:
Determine whether the camera has a specific data stream, returning a bool type. The following provides an example of checking if the camera has the color data stream:
bool has_stream = false;
has_stream = cl.DeviceHasStream(handle, PERCIPIO_STREAM_IR_RIGHT);
Console.WriteLine($"has right ir {has_stream}");