重要——请仔细阅读:在您仔细阅读并同意下列条件条款之前,请不要安装、复制、使用封装的软件、使用资料,或其任何部分(合称“软件”)。本协议是您(个人或实体)(简称为“您”和“你们的”)与上海图漾信息科技有限公司(简称“图漾”)之间的一项法定协议(协议)。 若您不同意本协议里的条件条款,请不要安装、复制或使用本软件。你对本软件的安装、复制或使用即表明您已经同意了本协议里的条件与条款。
1. 定义 (1)“文件”指与本软件或其任何部分有关的、与软件一起提供或包含在其中的安装指南、在线或电子文档。 (2)“知识产权”指在全球任何司法管辖区域内被认可的专利权、著作权、商业秘密、商标、掩模作品,以及所有相关的、类似的、或其它知识产权,包括对这些知识产权的使用及登记。
2. 许可证 依据本协议的条件条款,图漾在此向您授予非排他性的、无须支付特许费的、可撤销的、不可转让的、有限制的著作权许可证,准许您使用本软件。您将被许可使用本软件从事下列行为:(1)正常使用本软件提供的使用功能和软件库进行二次开发,以形成您自有的项目设计方案;(2)出于本软件与您的集成产品整合的目的,而进行本软件的拷贝;(3)将本软件与您的集成产品进行整合,并将整合产品交付给终端用户使用;(4)除本协议第3.2条中列示禁止事项以外的其他不侵害本软件著作权的使用行为。 您在完成安装本软件后,可向图漾指定的电子邮件 license@percipio.xyz 或其他图漾的公开联系渠道申请获得软件运行所必需的许可证文件。
3. 限制 除了本协议第2条里明确授予的有限制许可证,以及您与图漾就本许可软件的使用另有书面约定之外,您对本软件不具备其它任何权利,无论是明确的、暗示的、或由禁止反言或其它缘由引起的。对您使用本软件的进一步限制行为已在下面列明。您不得: (1)修改本软件或创建其衍生版本,或修改、隐藏本协议及本软件相关文档中的任何内容; (2)散布、出版、再授权、给予、或转让本软件; (3)解码、逆向工程、拆解、或删减本软件至人们可感知的形式(除非相关适用法律允许这样做); (4)修改或删除本软件里的任何关于著作权、商标或专利的提示或标记;
4. 反馈 您没有义务向图漾提供有关于本软件的任何建议、评论或其它反馈情况。但是,图漾可以接纳或使用您所提供的任何反馈信息用于改进本软件、其它图漾产品、软件和技术。相应地,对于您提供给图漾的任何反馈信息,即意味着你授予图漾及其附属机构及分支机构在全球范围的无排他性的、不可撤销的、无须支付许可费的永久性许可,用以直接或间接地使用、复制、授权、转授权、散布、制作、出售、商业化本软件或其它图漾产品、软件和技术里所包含的反馈信息。您进一步同意不提供任何符合下列情形的反馈信息:(a)受任何第三方的知识产权约束的反馈信息;(b)仍受许可证期限限制的;该许可证要求包含或源自于该反馈信息的任何产品、或其它图漾知识产权应当被授予任何第三方或与其分享。
5. 软件的所有权与著作权 本软件,包括与其中包含的所有知识产权,均为图漾或其授权人独家持有;您对此没有任何权利、所有权或利益,除非本协议里有明确其它规定。您应阻止任何未经授权的对本软件的复制。本软件及其所有复制品(全部或部分,以任何形式)的所有权、权利及知识产权均应归属于图漾。除本协议第2条里明确规定外,图漾未向您明示或默示授予任何图漾专利、著作权、商标或商业秘密信息的相关权利。
6. 质保及支持服务 本软件不包含任何类型的质保。本软件不涉及图漾任何明示、默示或法定的质保,包括但不限于对产品可销售性、对于特定目的的符合程度、所有权、非侵权的潜在保证;图漾不保证根据商业惯例或在使用过程中,本软件将不间断地或无错误地持续工作。您(终端用户)将承担与使用本软件有关的全部风险。 图漾可以自行决定不时地修改、升级、更新该软件,但该等修改、升级、更新不应作为图漾必须实施的后续义务。
7. 免责及赔偿限制 除本协议约定外,图漾不作出其他任何保证、承诺或陈述。在适用法律所允许的最大范围内,图漾拒绝所有(明示或默示)担保,包括但不限于默示的适销性、非侵权性、特定用途适用性的担保和条件,以及交易过程中或商业惯例产生的任何担保和条件。任何由图漾或其他方提供的口头或书面建议或信息皆不会形成本协议中未明确规定的任何担保或条件。 在任何情形下,图漾及其授权人均不就使用本软件或本协议所导致的任何惩罚性的、直接的、偶然的、间接的、特殊的、重大的损失向您承担任何责任,无论图漾是否能够预知此类损害。在任何情形下,由于损坏、丢失、行为原因(无论是合同侵权、民事侵权(包括疏忽)或其它原因)等而应由图漾对您承担的责任总额不得超过人民币1000元。对于由于您使用本软件而导致的任何丢失、损坏、责任或其它费用(包括合理的律师费用),您确认图漾及其授权人、其董事、管理人员、员工、附属机构或代理人均免于承担任何责任。对于由于您违反本协议的条件条款而导致的任何丢失、损坏、责任或其它费用(包括合理的律师费用),您都保证将对图漾及其授权人、其董事、管理人员、员工、附属机构或代理人做出相应赔偿。
8. 出口限制 您应遵守所有适用的中国进出口法律法规,以及其他国家/地区的适用进出口管制法律法规。 您还同意,在未首先获得出口许可证或其他政府批准书的情况下,不会直接或间接向任何被中国或任何其他适用政府要求具有出口许可证或其他政府批准书方可的国家/地区出口、再出口或转让图漾依据该许可提供的任何产品、技术数据、软件或源代码,或者该技术数据或软件的直接产品;也不会在违反中国或获取该技术数据或软件的国家/地区的任何适用法律或法规的情况下出口、再出口或转让上述产品、技术数据、软件或源代码,或者该技术数据或软件的直接产品。若您违反了上述进出口管制的要求,由此产生的全部后果由您承担。
9. 许可终止 在出现下列情形时,本协议即立即终止,而无需图漾发出通知或司法机关做出判决:(1)您未能遵守本协议中的任何一项条款;(2)您向图漾发出通知,告知您有意愿终止本协议。当本协议终止时,您必须删除或销毁本软件的全部复制品。当本协议终止或到期时,除第二条之外,所有协议条款仍然有效。
10. 管辖法律 本协议是依据中华人民共和国法律而指定的,并受其管辖,同时排除了其它法律的管辖效力。本协议履行过程中产生的纠纷,各方应当协商解决。无法协商解决的由图漾所在地法院管辖。
11. 一般条款 在未获得图漾事先书面同意的情形下,您不得转让或分配本协议。任何未经同意的授权或分配均为无效。各方承认本协议并不在各方之间建立起代理或合伙人关系。对本协议的解释应当以在适用法律下正当有效的方式进行。但是,如果本协议的任何条款变得无法执行或被具有管辖权的法院宣布为无法执行的,则应将该条款视为已被删除,而协议其它条款仍然具有完全效力。
12. 全部协议 本协议为各方之间就本软件所达成的全部协议及谅解,其内容综合了所有各方先前就协议主题事项所达成的口头或书面协议、讨论、谅解,其效力优先于这些先前的口头或书面协议。对于协议任何条款的放弃或修订,除非以书面形式做出并经各方的授权代表签字确认,否则不得生效或具有约束力。
Percipio Technology Limited Vision++ Software License Agreement
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: Do not install, copy or use the enclosed software, documentation, or any portion thereof, (collectively “Software”) until you have carefully read and agreed to the following terms and conditions. This is a legal agreement (“Agreement”) between you (either an individual or an entity) (collectively “You” and “Your”) and Percipio Technology Limited (“Percipio”). If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install, copy or use this software. By installing, copying or using the software you agree to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1. DEFINITIONS (1)“Documentation” means install scripts and online or electronic documentation associated, included, or provided in connection with the Software, or any portion thereof. (2)“Intellectual Property Rights” means all patent, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, mask works, and all related, similar, or other intellectual property rights recognized in any jurisdiction worldwide, including all applications and registrations with respect thereto.
2. LICENSE Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Percipio hereby grants You a non-exclusive, free of charge, revocable, non-transferable, limited, license. You will be permitted to use this software to engage in the following behaviors: (i) Use and invoke the provided functions and library of this Software to form your own project design; (ii) Copy the Software for the purpose of integrating the software with your integrated products; (iii) Integrate the software with your integrated product, and deliver the integrated product to the end user; (iv) Any use of the software that does not infringe on Percipio’s rights other than the prohibited items listed in Section 3 herein. After installing the Software, you could apply to obtain the license files necessary for running of the software from this email license@percipio.xyz or other public contacts from Percipio.
3. RESTRICTIONS Except for the limited license expressly granted in Section 2 herein and as otherwise agreed in writing between You and Percipio with respect to the use of the Software, You have no other rights in the Software, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise. Further restrictions regarding Your use of the Software are set forth below. You may not: (i)modify or create derivative works of the Software, or modify or hide any content in this Agreement and related documents of the Software; (ii)distribute, publish, sublicense, assign or otherwise transfer the Software; (iii)decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form (except as allowed by applicable law); (iv)alter or remove any copyright, trademark or patent notice(s) in the Software;
4. FEEDBACK You have no obligation to give Percipio any suggestions, comments or other feedback (“Feedback”) relating to the Software. However, Percipio may use and include any Feedback that it receives from You to improve the Software or other Percipio products, software and technologies. Accordingly, for any Feedback You provide to Percipio, You grant Percipio and its affiliates and subsidiaries a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, free-of-charge, perpetual license to, directly or indirectly, use, reproduce, license, sublicense, distribute, make, have made, sell and otherwise commercialize the Feedback in the Software or other Percipio products, software and technologies. You further agree not to provide any Feedback that (a) You know is subject to any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party or (b) is subject to license terms which seek to require any products incorporating or derived from such Feedback, or other Percipio intellectual property, to be licensed to or otherwise shared with any third party.
5. OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT OF SOFTWARE The Software, including all Intellectual Property Rights therein, is and remains the sole and exclusive property of Percipio or its licensors, and You shall have no right, title or interest therein except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. You shall prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. All title in and to the Software, all copies thereof (in whole or in part, and in any form), and all rights and Intellectual Property Rights therein shall remain vested in Percipio. Except as expressly provided in Section 2 herein, Percipio does not grant any express or implied right to You under Percipio patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information.
6. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER The Software is provided without warranty of any kind. Percipio disclaims all warranties, express, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, that the software will run uninterrupted or error-free or warranties arising from custom of trade or course of usage. The entire risk associated with the use of the software is assumed by You. Percipio may modify, upgrade or update the Software from time to time in its sole discretion, but such modification, upgrade or update shall not constitute a subsequent obligation for Percipio to perform.
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION Except as stipulated in this Agreement, Percipio does not make any other guarantees, promises or representations. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Percipio disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, or any warranties and conditions arising from commercial practice. No oral or written advice or information provided by Percipio or any other party shall constitute any warranty or condition not expressly set forth in this Agreement. Percipio and its licensors will not, under any circumstances be liable to You for any punitive, direct, incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages arising from use of the software or this Agreement whether Percipio and its licensors could predict such damages or not. In no event shall Percipio’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount of ¥1000 RMB. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Percipio and its licensors, and any of their directors, officers, employees, affiliates or agents from and against any and all loss, damage, liability and other expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), resulting from your use of the software or violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
8. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS You shall adhere to all applicable China import/export laws and regulations, as well as the import/export control laws and regulations of other countries as applicable. You further agree to not export, re-export, or transfer, directly or indirectly, any product, technical data, software or source code received from Percipio under this license, or the direct product of such technical data or software to any country for which the United States or any other applicable government requires an export license or other governmental approval without first obtaining such licenses or approvals; or in violation of any applicable laws or regulations of the United States or the country where the technical data or software was obtained. If you violate the aforementioned export restrictions, all the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by You.
9. TERMINATION OF LICENSE This Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from Percipio or judicial resolution if (1) You fail to comply with any provisions of this Agreement, or (2) You provide Percipio with notice that You would like to terminate this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, You must delete or destroy all copies of the Software. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, all provisions survive except for Section 2.
10. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement is made under and shall be construed according to the laws of the mainland China, excluding conflicts of law rules. Any dispute arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be settled by the parties through negotiation. If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the court in the place where Percipio is located shall exercise jurisdiction.
11. GENERAL PROVISIONS You may not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Percipio and any assignment without such consent will be null and void. The parties do not intend that any agency or partnership relationship be created between them by this Agreement. Each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. However, in the event that any provision of this Agreement becomes or is declared unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed deleted and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the Software and supersedes and merges all prior oral and written agreements, discussions and understandings between them regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. No waiver or modification of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party.
If You agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please press “Accept”. If You do not agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please press “Decline” and you shall not use the Software.
The information in this document is provided for the use of Percipio Products which is protected by copyright and other related rights and no part of this document should be reproduced or modified in any form by any means without the express prior written permission of Percipio. Percipio shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind related to, arising under, or in connection with the tampered files. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document unless specifically stated.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) This document is made available “AS IS”, Percipio hereby provides no representations and no warranties, express, implied or statutory including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose with this document; and (2) In no event will Percipio be liable for any damages, including without limitation any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, arising under, or in connection with any use of this document, even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Percipio had been advised of the possibility of the same.
Percipio will combine all users’ experience and constantly update the product manual without further notice. Please be sure to obtain the latest version of the product manual through the official public network before using the products of Percipio. If you have any questions about the product manual, please contact Percipio.
We guarantee that the quality of products conforms to the indicate standards , and assume limited warranty during the Warranty Period . The products can only be used for designated purposes and should be stored and used in accordance with this manual. Percipio shall not assume responsibility for any loss caused by the product’s abnormal operation or damage due to its use for other purposes, or the use of the products based on information or guidance provided by the third party.
Once you start using the products, you are deemed to have read, understood, recognized, and accepted all terms and contents of the product description and disclaimer. User promises to be responsible for their own actions and all the consequences arising from them.